bees in johannesburg


Welcome to our gallery, where we will be posting pictures of the bees activities and keeping you up to date on all the activities in and around the hive.


A swarm of bees resting in a tree

A swarm of bees - in a tree - clustering around the queen

Worker Bees on a piece of honeycomb

Bees that have been in their new hive for approximately 3weeks.

See how the honeycomb is still white? This is an indication of the freshness of the hive.
The bees will leave the cells open and work at letting the moisture evaporate from the honey before closing the cells off with a cap.



Have Bees Removed
Professionally and Humanely
Call: 011 482 5135 NOW!!!

bees in a swimming pool pump cover swimming pool pump full of bees
colony of bees in a swimming pool pump Bees will make their homes in the most unexpected places. This poolpump housing seems to be the ideal spot, especially since it is something does not get tampered with, allowing the bees to live in peace.

A hollow tree trunk is an ideal place for a colony of bees to make a home. It will probably only have one entrance making it easier to guard, and where there is one tree there are usually othe trees and flowering plants from which to forage.

In these pictures it looks as if someone has put a lid in place to try and keep the bees out.

bees nesting in a hollow tree  
bees on a hollow tree trunk bees on a tree trunk  

When we remove our bees we try to do it as quickly and as humanely as possible so that there is minimal disruption to the colony.

We transport them to a farm or a field in the country the we use to rehive the bees and house them in a new hive.

Note the entrances to the hives have got covers on. This allows bees easy access but makes it difficult for bigger predators and pests to get into the hive.